
I feel like a basset hound with a hot water bag on his head

Phew, I am so glad I have the perfect picture to depict how I am feeling. My boyfriend has kindly passed on his cold to me. I'm not actually sick yet but I can feel it coming on and that's worse because I'm wondering when it's REALLY going to hit. Plus I can't miss class tomorrow because I skipped my class already this week and that was just to sleep in, figures. I'm also out of television shows to watch so staying home would be joyless and boring and I'd probably have to do homework anyway. I'm being punished because all winter I walked around commenting on how I never get sick and now I'm going to get mine. And because I really NEVER get sick, I'm a huge wuss about mild head colds and I think it's a justification to eat all sorts of shitty food. Ugh, tomorrow is going to be miserable.

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