
Let The Right One In

I really wish I had a friend like Eli from "Let The Right One In". There are so many benefits to befriending a 12 year old Swedish vampire girlchild. For one, she would be up at all hours of the night so I would finally have someone to watch marathon episodes of Gilmore Girls and Buffy with. She obviously could take care of my enemies but not because she is "evil" but out of necessity and I would feel better knowing that they were food in someone's belly, it wouldn't feel so pointless. She cannot eat sweets or any food for that matter so I wouldn't be encouraged to binge eat like I am when I'm with my friend Jennifer (it can get seriously out of hand). I could just get lost in huge ocean blue eyes and I could stare at them all day...evening. She's 12 but she's been around for a long time so she knows about things. She bleeds from all orifices (hair follicles included) when she enters a home uninvited so I wouldn't have to worry about her hanging around all the time when I'm busy lurking the internet. I'd always know that if I got bored with life in general she could make me a vampire girlchild...lady and we could do some serious snacking.

I'm always down for a good vampire movie, I've seen most of them but this movie is so much more than that. It was the sweetest semi-horror movie I have ever seen and when I say sweet I mean like tender and adorable. It was kind of like watching The Secret Garden and Near Dark at the same time. And as much as I loved Eli, the boychild Oskar was pretty excellent as well. It's awesome to watch his anemic malnourished albino self scramble through the nightmare life of elementary school and attempt to overcome his many evil bullying boychild obstacles.

I'm pretty sure anyone could watch this movie, I myself get scared in old reruns of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" and I handled this with grace; there was little jumping and no squealing but at the same time my boyfriend who loves all horror movies (especially the upsetting ones) enjoyed it too so I'm pretty sure that means it's incredible.


  1. i have to see this.
    is it available to rent at rogers/blockbuster?

  2. I downloaded it but I'm sure it is/will be
