
"I'm sure she meets him in the evening, beaver first."

I went to see Bridesmaids with a bunch of my hunnies on Tuesday. I had heard quite a few people remark that the movie was unusually funny. So we squished into the PACKED movie theater (on like the first sunny day in forever!) to check it out.
Let me just detour here for a second to say, WHEN YOU SPEND LIKE TWENTY DOLLARS ON A POPCORN AND TWO DRINKS YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET WHATEVER FUCKING CANDY YOU WANT NOT JUST THE TOP ROW. THE TOP ROW CONSISTS OF THE SHITTIEST OF THE BUNCH, AERO BITES, ROLO BITES AND SMARTIES. Gena and I were like "yeah bitch, gimme those rolo bites, I guess..." I wanted some fucking sour patch kids or something!
I digress,
I'm going to put it really simple here so that there's no confusion; Bridesmaids was fucking hilarious. I feel like I just might spend another million dollars and buy another bag of barf bites just to watch it again. This movie is a chick flick in the sense that it has an all female cast, but it has set the bar of what a chick flick should be, A bunch of female actresses fucking killing it.  Kristen Wiig, you have my heart.


Finishin' Up

Day 23 – Favorite animation

Day 24 – That one awesome movie idea that still hasn’t been done yet
A remake of The Neverending Story
Day 25 – The most hilarious movie you’ve ever seen

Day 26 – A movie that you love but everyone else hates

Day 27 – A movie that you wish you had seen in theaters

Day 28 – Favorite movie from your favorite director

Day 29 – A movie from your childhood

Day 30 – Your favorite movie of all time
                                                              Blade Runner/Virgin Suicides


I mizzed yew bloglet

Day 17 – A movie that disappointed you the most

Day 18 – A movie that you wish more people would’ve seen

EASY 90% of my movie collection. 

Day 19 – Favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.


Day 14 – A movie that no one would expect you to love

I hate this question, I'm not so stodgey in my tastes that anyone would ever be like *gasp!* YOU like that movie?!?!?"

I don't think enough people know about my undying love of Terminator 2 though...


Ignored my little bloglet for the weekend

Day 10 – Favorite classic movie
The Hustler


Bonnie and Clyde

Day 11 – A movie that changed your opinion about something

Lost in Translation made me think that Japan maybe isn't the last place on earth I would want to travel. Good hustle Sofia.

Day 12 – A movie that you hate

I'll admit Rob Zombie has an interesting aesthetic and I like the sort of vintagy psycho billy feel of his movies but this film makes my skin crawl. The violence seems like a senseless free for all. 


Day 09 – A movie with the best soundtrack





Day 08 – A movie that you’ve seen countless times

My father and I watched Blade Runner almost monthly as I was growing up. It became one of my favorite movies as well. Ridley Scott is a genius ( I also love Legend ). The plot, acting, set and costumes are all there for me. I love the mix of futuristic and 1940s film noir in this movie. Gah, I simply just adore it.

Honorable mention goes to Tank Girl. I spent much of my adolescence watching and re-watching it. I also bought all the comics like a dorky fan girl.


Day 07 – The most surprising plot twist or ending

I'm not gonna lie, I really just want to say SAW and I watched that movie like years after everyone else did and when that dude got up off the floor I was like " Aww helllll no!". Also the end of the Usual Suspects. Fight Club is an obvious choice. I liked the end of Book of Eli. The Departed did not end how I expected it to. American Psycho. Oh man there are just so many...

 My definitive choice HAS to be......


*Thanks to Adam Bush for the many suggestions to help me answer this tricky quandary.
**I was surprised as shit at the end of Scream.  


Day 06 – Favorite made for TV movie

I remember they made a Made For TV Movie of "Runaway: Diary of a Street Kid" I generally don't watch Made for TV Movies because I never have cable. I also remember a movie called "White Lies" with Sarah Polley that was pretty stellar when I was like 13. It was about Nazi Youth gang stuff, I believe it was before American History X.


catchin up

Day 03 – A movie that makes you really happy
                     "What do you thrash?"
                     "Whaddaya got?!"

Day 04 – A movie that makes you sad

Young wife mum of two discovers she is dieing of a terminal disease. Decides not to tell anyone and makes a list of things she needs to do before she dies. Hrtbrking.

Husband has to put his wife in a home because she has Alzheimer's and she essentially asks him to let her forget him. Hrtbrking X 34290348 

I didn't even like this movie but I had just gotten a puppy and Sarah and I bawled like BABIES. 

Day 05 – Favorite love story in a movie
Ima include my Streisand collection of hrtbrkers in here.
They were the 500 Days of Summer (This is NOT a love story) love stories of yesteryear. I think it's more realistic when shit doesn't work out, don't you?


The Most Underrated Movie

I guess I would have to pick Secretary. It's one of my absolute favorite movies and next to no one has seen it. Honorable mention goes to: United States of Leeland, The Fabulous Stains, The Proposition and Mysterious Skin.


Best movie you saw in the last year

No matter what movie I pick, I'm gonna wanna go "no wait!" in five minutes anyhow. I'm going with Blue Valentine. The acting in this was just amazing and the story was completely real and heartbreaking. Bonus points for Michelle's tap dance to Ryan's ukulele filled croonings.


Oh Thirty Day Movie Challenge, Ima make you my bitch

Day 01- The best movie you saw during the last year
Day 02 – The most underrated movie
Day 03 – A movie that makes you really happy
Day 04 – A movie that makes you sad
Day 05 – Favorite love story in a movie
Day 06 – Favorite made for TV movie
Day 07 – The most surprising plot twist or ending
Day 08 – A movie that you’ve seen countless times
Day 09 – A movie with the best soundtrack
Day 10 – Favorite classic movie
Day 11 – A movie that changed your opinion about something
Day 12 – A movie that you hate
Day 13 – A movie that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 – A movie that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 – A character who you can relate to the most
Day 16 – A movie that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 – A movie that disappointed you the most
Day 18 – A movie that you wish more people would’ve seen
Day 19 – Favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.
Day 20 – Favorite movie from your favorite actor/actress
Day 21 – Favorite action movie
Day 22 – Favorite documentary
Day 23 – Favorite animation
Day 24 – That one awesome movie idea that still hasn’t been done yet
Day 25 – The most hilarious movie you’ve ever seen
Day 26 – A movie that you love but everyone else hates
Day 27 – A movie that you wish you had seen in theaters
Day 28 – Favorite movie from your favorite director
Day 29 – A movie from your childhood
Day 30 – Your favorite movie of all time


We could be movers, we could be shakers. If we could just shake something outta the blue we could get off the ride

Yesterday I received a tantalizing offer to see "Sucker Punch" with my pal Ashlee, who was armed with coupons. We got to upgrade to the UltraAVX theater at no cost AND we got a free drink when we bought popcorn. (Contain your jealousy, I'm just getting started here).

I enjoy really good looking movies, even if they lack in plot or talent otherwise. I was absolutely electrified by 300 and I enjoyed the visuals of Watchmen despite the complete bastardization of the comic plot wise. Naturally I was eager to see Director Zack Snyder's latest overture "Sucker Punch".

Firstly I have to say that Emily Browning is ludicrously good looking. Despite what I'm sure was a costly budget spent on C.G and visual effects, Browning is by far the best looking thing in this film.
See?! Eyes, skin, hair, lips, bone structure, this chick has it in SPADES. You almost can't look directly at her lest self loathing set in and you feel compelled to put your head in the oven ASAP.

Here entourage of babes were in no way repulsive either.

Ok, Emily Browning's insane beauty is the easiest aspect of this film to comment upon. Lemme preface the following with the statement that I ENJOYED THIS MOVIE. That being said, I probably wont watch it again or buy it. Here's why...
The plot is loose and awkward. Telling the story of Babydoll who is placed in a mental institution by her greedy and depraved step father. She is suffering from the guilt of having accidentally killed her little sister while trying to protect her from said evil step father. Bad daddy has arranged for Babydoll to be lobotomized in five days time. The institution then becomes a fantasy bordello where Babydoll joins forces with fellow harlots Sweat Pea, Rocket, Blondie and Amber and makes a plan to escape before the "Highroller" comes in five days time to claim Babydolls innocence and virtue. The girls enter another realm of fantasy as they salvage each item needed in their plan to escape. Each item involves a videogame level type adventure where these miltant babes battle steampunk zombie militia, dragons, orc type things and robots. The transition between these fantasies is awkward and sometimes you find yourself thinking "whaaaaa..?" but ultimately the fight scenes are great although maybe a little to reliant upon C.G with some badass explosions, airplane stunts, gunplay and sword fights. The girls are guided through each challenge by a creepy old man that says lame catch phrases like "Don't write cheques with your mouths that your asses can cash" or something like that. The script wasn't especially well written...

Another qualm I have is that all this fantasy sword fighting takes place while Babydoll is entrancing the enemy (bordello club owner, knife wielding chef etc) with her uncannily sexy dance (stiffle that erection, you never actually get to see her move). The girls are continually reminded that they already posses all the weapons they need to survive. NOW, are these "weapons" the girls tits or their minds? If it's their tits, I feel like that's a scummy enough message that the film should actually be a little smutty (disappointingly pg) and if it's their minds then "Hooray" but seriously, at the end of the day they are all just a bunch of bitches waiting to get lobotomized in the looney bin. ALSO if Babydoll is sexy dancing in her fantasy world what is she REALLY doing in the institution. Was it this?


Dear Oscars, it's not me it's you. definitely you...

We've had some good years you and I. I'm pretty sure my dad introduced us and we clicked right away. But gone are the days of absurdly long winded acceptance speeches and hilarious hosts. You've been reduced from your former glory to a three hour long nap. You've cheapened yourself and I believe it shows in your ratings. You've become such a ghost of what you once were that I simply don't care anymore. So I'm breaking it off, next year I will maybe catch your highlights (best actor/ actress, best directing, best picture), I may even just watch them online the next day (gasp!). Pregnant Natalie Portman winning best actress and Mila Kunis amazun dress was mildly entertaining but for the other 3 hours and 53 minutes, I could barely keep my eyes open!


"These two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end it's just too much. "

I celebrated finishing Kazou Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go" by watching the 2010 film. I'm gonna go ahead and state the obvious, the book is better. It isn't so much better that I sat in face palm for the entire 103 minutes. I felt instead like the film did a good job of capturing the "essence" of the novel while at the same time highlighting some of my favorite moments and scenes. My main complaint would be that the film plods along a little quickly, whereas the book moves slower, revealing the nuances of the plot slowly rather than dropping them mid gait. It's hard to sell someone on this film or book without giving too much away but I'm going to try.

It's a story told by Kathy H. about growing up at Hailsham with Tommy and Ruth. Hailsham is a school and residence for very special students. Essentially Hailsham prepares their students for their future. When the students leave Hailsham as young adults, they become carers before becoming donors. Carers are a sort of care-aid for the donors, and the donors essentially exist for the purpose of periodic organ harvesting for the remainder of their short lives. This bleak fate is not the forefront of the novel or film, its the complicated relationship between Kathy, Ruth and Tommy. The bonds, love etc between these three childhood friends becomes the sacrifice on behalf of medical progress rather than their actual physical bodies. The limited time in which the characters actually have to live is frustrating and heartbreaking, more heartbreaking is the time within that limited frame that they manage to waste and loose. Essentially the film and the book will break your heart, and despite the whole distopian aspect of the plot, it actually feels entirely too close to the finality, truth and reality of life.