
Finishin' Up

Day 23 – Favorite animation

Day 24 – That one awesome movie idea that still hasn’t been done yet
A remake of The Neverending Story
Day 25 – The most hilarious movie you’ve ever seen

Day 26 – A movie that you love but everyone else hates

Day 27 – A movie that you wish you had seen in theaters

Day 28 – Favorite movie from your favorite director

Day 29 – A movie from your childhood

Day 30 – Your favorite movie of all time
                                                              Blade Runner/Virgin Suicides


I mizzed yew bloglet

Day 17 – A movie that disappointed you the most

Day 18 – A movie that you wish more people would’ve seen

EASY 90% of my movie collection. 

Day 19 – Favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.


Day 14 – A movie that no one would expect you to love

I hate this question, I'm not so stodgey in my tastes that anyone would ever be like *gasp!* YOU like that movie?!?!?"

I don't think enough people know about my undying love of Terminator 2 though...


Ignored my little bloglet for the weekend

Day 10 – Favorite classic movie
The Hustler


Bonnie and Clyde

Day 11 – A movie that changed your opinion about something

Lost in Translation made me think that Japan maybe isn't the last place on earth I would want to travel. Good hustle Sofia.

Day 12 – A movie that you hate

I'll admit Rob Zombie has an interesting aesthetic and I like the sort of vintagy psycho billy feel of his movies but this film makes my skin crawl. The violence seems like a senseless free for all. 


Day 09 – A movie with the best soundtrack





Day 08 – A movie that you’ve seen countless times

My father and I watched Blade Runner almost monthly as I was growing up. It became one of my favorite movies as well. Ridley Scott is a genius ( I also love Legend ). The plot, acting, set and costumes are all there for me. I love the mix of futuristic and 1940s film noir in this movie. Gah, I simply just adore it.

Honorable mention goes to Tank Girl. I spent much of my adolescence watching and re-watching it. I also bought all the comics like a dorky fan girl.


Day 07 – The most surprising plot twist or ending

I'm not gonna lie, I really just want to say SAW and I watched that movie like years after everyone else did and when that dude got up off the floor I was like " Aww helllll no!". Also the end of the Usual Suspects. Fight Club is an obvious choice. I liked the end of Book of Eli. The Departed did not end how I expected it to. American Psycho. Oh man there are just so many...

 My definitive choice HAS to be......


*Thanks to Adam Bush for the many suggestions to help me answer this tricky quandary.
**I was surprised as shit at the end of Scream.  


Day 06 – Favorite made for TV movie

I remember they made a Made For TV Movie of "Runaway: Diary of a Street Kid" I generally don't watch Made for TV Movies because I never have cable. I also remember a movie called "White Lies" with Sarah Polley that was pretty stellar when I was like 13. It was about Nazi Youth gang stuff, I believe it was before American History X.


catchin up

Day 03 – A movie that makes you really happy
                     "What do you thrash?"
                     "Whaddaya got?!"

Day 04 – A movie that makes you sad

Young wife mum of two discovers she is dieing of a terminal disease. Decides not to tell anyone and makes a list of things she needs to do before she dies. Hrtbrking.

Husband has to put his wife in a home because she has Alzheimer's and she essentially asks him to let her forget him. Hrtbrking X 34290348 

I didn't even like this movie but I had just gotten a puppy and Sarah and I bawled like BABIES. 

Day 05 – Favorite love story in a movie
Ima include my Streisand collection of hrtbrkers in here.
They were the 500 Days of Summer (This is NOT a love story) love stories of yesteryear. I think it's more realistic when shit doesn't work out, don't you?


The Most Underrated Movie

I guess I would have to pick Secretary. It's one of my absolute favorite movies and next to no one has seen it. Honorable mention goes to: United States of Leeland, The Fabulous Stains, The Proposition and Mysterious Skin.