
Dear Oscars, it's not me it's you. definitely you...

We've had some good years you and I. I'm pretty sure my dad introduced us and we clicked right away. But gone are the days of absurdly long winded acceptance speeches and hilarious hosts. You've been reduced from your former glory to a three hour long nap. You've cheapened yourself and I believe it shows in your ratings. You've become such a ghost of what you once were that I simply don't care anymore. So I'm breaking it off, next year I will maybe catch your highlights (best actor/ actress, best directing, best picture), I may even just watch them online the next day (gasp!). Pregnant Natalie Portman winning best actress and Mila Kunis amazun dress was mildly entertaining but for the other 3 hours and 53 minutes, I could barely keep my eyes open!

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