
monologue! gunshots! car chase! monologue! revenge!

I've gone to see two films in the last forever, one I seriously enjoyed and the other bored me to tears.
Good news first...
I was simply tickled by the teen movie "Easy A". I love high school movies, they are basic, attractive and generally enjoyable.
I would attribute a large part of the success of this film to Emma Stone. She is attractive, charming and funny. She's not unrealistically attractive or witty which makes her more accessible. It would have been tragic to see a Megan Fox type in this role. She's essentially a modern day Molly Ringwald (gotta love the gingers). Speaking of old Molly, John Hughs references abound in this movie, which is probably why I liked it so much. The plot is not terribly controversial, it pretty much debunks the whole "any publicity is good publicity" notion and supports the whole "gossip is bad" concept. Not really life changing stuff but provides fodder for an entertaining hour and a half. One really should watch this film in appreciation of Amanda Bynes extensive film career as she has since announced her retirement (via Twitter) from the film industry at the ripe old age of 24.

The Town could have used some of Emma Stone's adorable gingery lispiness because Ben Affleck's broody Boston schtick is getting olllllld. This film has all the elements of a good heist flick, car chases, shoot outs, close calls, explosions, but it has so much of these bank heist cliches that no moment feels climactic and it comes across like a pizza with way too many toppings that just slides off and burns your chin leaving you with nothing more than a humiliating facial wound. Also Blake Lively shouldn't be so hasty trying to get out of her "Gossip Girl" commitments because no one has told her that real acting is more than pouting, runny makeup and cleavage. Jeremy Renner pretty much played the same character he played in "The Hurt Locker", maniacal. I really didn't care about Affleck's whole wounded little boy story and when he went into a soul bearing monologue i found myself painfully aware of the fact that he was ACTING.
This movie was definitely NOT worth the 10.25 I paid to see it at our local ANCIENT theater, the nibs were tops though...

1 comment:

  1. Watched the Town and totally agree!

