
Dear Oscars, I don't think this is going to work out

I thought I didn't care much for this years Oscars going in. There weren't any films that I felt especially strongly about. But as the night progressed and Hurt Locker won award after award I began to realize just how much I wanted Precious to win. I enjoyed Hurt Locker and I thought Jeremy Renner was especially good; it just didn't have the impact on me that Precious had. I feel like for the whopper of a film Hurt Locker is supposed to be it still played it very safe with the material it was presenting, which Precious did not. Precious played with the juxtaposition of different scenes, sometimes jumping into outrageous fantasy scenarios which I found to be amazing and totally audacious. I'm glad that Avatar didn't sweep the Oscars because it illustrated that The Academy Awards still know what truly great film making is.
But then Sandra Bullock won for Best Actress...
I am one of the few that still adore Sandra's quirky characters (that does not mean I will be watching All About Steve) but in what sort of world does she stand victorious up against her contenders. I guess I'm just going to have to watch this film before I start printing off petitions to have her award reneged.

Some other highlights of the evening for me were:

Jeff Bridges winning Best Actor. I would have been happy with Jeremy Renner but I absolutely adore Bridges and I enjoyed him in this film. Michelle Pfeiffer's speech to him was really touching and his reaction to his win was sweet.

I thought that Martin and Baldwin were totally lacking as hosts, I prefer Jackman's song and dance and I didn't even really enjoy that.

I liked Sandra's acceptance speech, I really do think she is funny. It was also really touching...if your a sappy cheeseball which I am not OBVIOUSLY.

Mo'nique winning best supporting actress, she seriously deserved this. One just needs to see the film to see what I mean but she busted it out for Precious.

Christoph Waltz winning best supporting male actor, I thought he was one of the best characters of all time. He worked it, well deserved win.

Inglorious Basterds should have one best original screenplay, the Hurt Locker was no where near as innovative as this film. The dialogue was undeniably great, big fail Oscars.

Sarah Jessica Parker looked like she just got off a elderly tourist bus from Miami. She's inviting everyone to join her and Broderick after the show for some parcheesi in the lounge, maybe some lawn bowling.

I was so glad when Precious won for best adapted screenplay but the screenplay writer didn't even thank the books author, no one from Precious did. With a film title that long "Precious: Based on the novel Push by Sapphire" you think they'd remember to give her a nod or throw her some cred.

I could have done without the dancers. The Up soundtrack bit was cute but it's like the Oscars are running out of cash for a REAL production and so they hire some hack hosts and go "America likes dancing!" because of the popularity of dance themed television and they decide that in a film awards show they will feature people popping and locking to long assed boring soundtrack scores.

Carey Mulligan and Maggie G were stunnnnnnnning. I totally hate to admit it but Kstew looked pretty good too.

I also personally believe that dresses that you cannot move in should NOT be worn on the red carpet (FARMIGA)

I am totally crushing <3

1 comment:

  1. I actually loved the way Adam Shankman brought dance into the Oscars. I really enjoyed watching adaptations of the music through movement.

