
Loneliness is Underrated

Every so often the stars align and two of my favorite actors get together and make a swell movie. In this case the moment I heard Zooey D. and JGL were doing a flick together, I started counting down the days.

When I announced to Facebook that I would be going to see this film, one of my favorite pop culture aficionado pals had this to say: ":( it's OKAY. sort of made me hate Zooey, though. let's talk it out after you see it!"
Well Jordan Pitcher, this blog is for you.

I spent most of the film thinking to myself "what didn't he like about this movie?" because I was basked in the warming glow of: beautiful cinematography, talented AND attractive actors, innovative plot and a good soundtrack.

I absolutely loved how this film would insert surrealist moments every so often, it gave it a lot of pizzaz. I also liked all the little things in the background that you would sort of recognized before they disappeared; I really really like very layered set designs. i.e the Magritte reference with the apple on the hat. It makes me go "ah hah!".

I don't see why one could hate Zooey for this film because in it she was playing a character called SUMMER. But I totally felt like a lot of people would be bummed that JGL and Zooey can't work things out, but we need to take a step back and remember that we are talking about Summer and Tom here(no matter how cute of babies those two fine actors could produce).

Anyways, I love that this isn't a love story, its about the dissolution of a relationship. Boy loves girl, girl loves boy and yet those crazy kids still can't work it out. Isn't that how things usually pan out anyways?

Tom's character was awesome. This film plays with gender roles in a way that leaves me positively tickled. After countless rom-coms where the woman tries to tie down that commitment phobic man *cough* He's Just Not That Into You *cough* it was nice to see the boy wear his heart on his sleeve and the girl avoid the commitment of a relationship. A lot of people would say that in this film, Summer is the "dude" but I would say that this film illustrates how behavior is just not gender specific. Thank Christ.

My only criticism's of this film is that it borders on painfully hip with all the pop culture jargon and teal. Warning: This film will make you want to throw your entire wardrobe in the trash and consider getting bangs again.

1 comment:

  1. YES im currently thinking about getting bangs again!!!!
    and i just love JGL :)
