
"I'm sure she meets him in the evening, beaver first."

I went to see Bridesmaids with a bunch of my hunnies on Tuesday. I had heard quite a few people remark that the movie was unusually funny. So we squished into the PACKED movie theater (on like the first sunny day in forever!) to check it out.
Let me just detour here for a second to say, WHEN YOU SPEND LIKE TWENTY DOLLARS ON A POPCORN AND TWO DRINKS YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET WHATEVER FUCKING CANDY YOU WANT NOT JUST THE TOP ROW. THE TOP ROW CONSISTS OF THE SHITTIEST OF THE BUNCH, AERO BITES, ROLO BITES AND SMARTIES. Gena and I were like "yeah bitch, gimme those rolo bites, I guess..." I wanted some fucking sour patch kids or something!
I digress,
I'm going to put it really simple here so that there's no confusion; Bridesmaids was fucking hilarious. I feel like I just might spend another million dollars and buy another bag of barf bites just to watch it again. This movie is a chick flick in the sense that it has an all female cast, but it has set the bar of what a chick flick should be, A bunch of female actresses fucking killing it.  Kristen Wiig, you have my heart.